Liena at Family Home 2000
Liena celebrated her 40th Birthday last month. She grew up at Zhuravichi Orphanage and moved into our Family Home 2000 at Klimovka when she was 18.
Liena has spina bifida which was never operated on when she was a child. She has had the best possible care since moving into Klimovka, and is loved like a daughter by Larissa.
When she first moved into the home, Liena was very shy and had no opinion about anything. But she gradually blossomed to become a confident, happy young woman who loves poetry and craftwork. A few years ago she had a stroke so now her left arm does not work, but she can still crochet beautifully.
Liena lives with Greesha and Ira, and many other young people come to visit and spend time at Klimovka. Some have learned independence skills there then moved on to live in flats of their own.