Our Contact Details
Phone : 01457 863534
Email : ccprojectuk@gmail.com
or write to us at:
Chernobyl Children’s Project (UK)
Kinder House
Fitzalan Street
SK13 7DL
United Kingdom

Whatever your interest in our charity, Chernobyl Children’s Project would love to hear from you. We would love to bring more children in remission from cancer over here to the UK to give them a lovely healthy break with good food, clean air and great activities, so if you live near to one of our groups and think you could be a host next summer, do please get in touch. if there is no group near you, maybe you would like to hep us start one.
We are always on the lookout for enthusiastic volunteers to spend a couple of weeks in the summer at a holiday camp or at one of the institutions in Belarus to help bring a bit of love and fun into the lives of the children and young adults who live in the institutions, so if you fancy volunteering next summer, do please contact us. You’ll find that it is hard to imagine a more rewarding experience – just look at the quotes from our previous volunteers.
if you would like to help us raise funds for one of our projects that would be wonderful. Or, if you are simply interested in more details about the work of our charity then we would be happy to hear from you.
Phone : 01457 863534
Email : ccprojectuk@gmail.com
or write to us at:
Chernobyl Children’s Project (UK)
Kinder House
Fitzalan Street
SK13 7DL
United Kingdom