If you’d like to raise funds for us and are in need of some ideas …. well, our wonderful groups and volunteers already hold lots of fundraising events ranging from full black tie cabaret evenings, fancy dress balls, restaurant nights, coffee mornings, ladies lunches, skittles evening, Christmas fairs, stalls at local events, sponsored walks and lots more.
Other ideas could include:
Fun for Children
Ice-cream day – buy flavours and cones and have an ice cream stall, Easter bonnet competition, Easter egg hunt, treasure hunt, teddy bear’s picnic, magic show, sleep-over, midnight feast ,face painting, fancy dress party
For Schools
Non uniform day – each student brings in £1, sponsored sports day, music recital, discos
For the Work Place
Casual dress/smart day in the office, workplace lottery, raffle/tombola, rag week, swear box, shoe shining day, sponsored event – cycle/walk/run/ slim/ swim/ silence etc, clothes swap
Family Friendly
Dog show/dog walk, football ( 5-a-side), BBQ, volleyball marathon, dance-a-thon, car boot sale, perform a pantomine/play,
Something cultural
Antique fair, art exhibition, jazz night, flower show, photograph exhibition
Social eventsp
Pub quiz, blind date/speed dating, wine and cheese party, wine tasting evening, themed evening, astrology evenings, ceilí, comedy night, concert, bridge night, karaoke night, fashion show, garden party, talent competition, Halloween party, masked ball, gig
Fun and Wacky
Bath in baked beans, beard shaving, pie eating contest, leg waxing for men!
Abseiling, bungee jumping, parachute jump, go-karting
Easy to organise
Bake sale, book sale, jumble sale, car washing, coffee morning, church gate collection, film show, tea party, supermarket bag packing, golf tournament, street collection, sponsored walk
To raise funds online for your sponsored event or challenge, there are lots of websites that make it easy for you. Be aware that some, like JustGiving, charge a small commission. Others, such as Virgin Money Giving for example, charge no commission and CCP (UK) will receive 100 percent of the total amount donated. All of these websites allow people to donate to your cause securely online and you can keep track of how much you have raised.
You can also download our sponsorship form to raise funds face to face.
Remember to quote our charity registration number when collecting.